YEF Korea has held three days retreat with the theme “Cross of Jesus Christ” from June 28th to 30th. Five Bible lectures and prayer meeting were held in abundant grace.
On the first day, in the opening worship service and the first Bible lecture, Pastor Chris Park, the representative of YEF Korea gave a lecture on Sin from the first chapter of Romans. He testified about the need for the Gospel of salvation to all believers to human beings who are under sin and can only be judged. He said, “When the message of sin and judgment is blurred, the Gospel is lost, and the Christian lost strength. We have a knowledge of God in us, but still, we commit the sin of godlessness and unrighteousness. Let us repent of our sinfulness and confess our Gospel, which is the good news of salvation, with our hearts and with our mouths, to be witnesses to it. ”
On the second day, Pastor Eunice Choi spoke about Creation in the title “Image of God and Jesus Christ”. She said, “Creation is precious to know God’s living, the source of our being, and the way of life. We lost God and lost our true being and life, and was desperate in misery and pain. Jesus of Nazareth is the only Savior who showed us the true image of God and how we can restore our broken being and this world. She also said, “Therefore, our whole body itself should become like eyes, so that we may always look upon Christ and follow His cross.”
Through the Bible studies of the Cross of Christ and the Gospel, it was the time when the richness of the truths of the Gospel was over all the participants. Along with the lecture schedule, special lectures, Elim prayers, fellowship, and outdoor activities added the fullness of the Holy Spirit.