YEF Japan has composed an original worship book that is designed for youth. Through the worship songs, they hope to win the hearts and minds of campus students and invite them smoothly to Sunday Service and Bible study.

Currently, YEFJ uses worship books made by Jubilee Japan roughly 10 years ago. Since those books are old and worn, YEFJ has decided to make new worship book with new songs that are fitting for young people.

Among the new worship book contents, there are popular songs among Japanese youth Christian groups. The book also includes songs with both English and Japanese lyrics, since there are some foreign students currently joining YEFJ activities.

P. Silas Ikeda, a representative of YEFJ, and L. Serena Tajima prepared the music sheets and B. Ken Ogata, who attends guitar class held by P. Silas, helped with printing. They prepared about 40 songs for the first version and will add more songs in the near future.

Please pray that this worship book will be used preciously to build the Kingdom of God and for God to provide the necessary resources to complete this project.