YEF Held Its First General Assembly in December 2017

Youth Evangelical Fellowship concluded its first General Assembly 2017 by the grace of God on December 27th, 2017.

P Mark Spisak, the president of YEF, shared an opening remark from Hebrews 12:14-17. He said, “we need to train ourselves in order to be equipped as the Lord’s workers. Without holiness, no one can see the Lord. This spiritual training of fasting and prayer is such an important thing in our lives of faith.”

He emphasized the importance of spiritual discipline as a leader of many flocks. He added, “we should not regard the physical things more important than the spiritual things. Many people, even among the believers, exchange the invisible and spiritual blessings to the limited and physical things.”

Emphasizing that it is a precious blessing to be called at such a young age, he said “there will be so many people who will envy you by just being called at an earlier age. It is very sad if you realize at your age of 60s or 70s after all these years of wasting. So, we need to call those who are young now and make them be the disciples of Jesus.”

After the opening remark, there was a presentation from each region, sharing the goal of 2018 and their direction. They were all encouraged by their plan and remembered to pray for each other’s prayer topic.

In the 3rd session, YEF staffs around the world discussed on the topic of education. All the staffs were strengthened by meeting each other and sharing and uniting as YEF. Please pray for YEF to go powerfully in 2018 not by might nor by power but by the spirit of God (Zechariah 4:6).