Devotionals: Christ has Chosen (John 15:16)

One thing matters the most in the spiritual battle is our identity, “if you are the son of God(Matthew 4).”

In John 15, there are two things were emphasized. First, it is not you, but Christ chose you. We are insufficient and full of flaws, however, the Lord who predestined us, called us, justified us will lead us to the glorification (Romans 8:30). The direction is already set like an expensive GPS. Even if you go to a wrong direction and commit sin along the way, the entire direction and heading destination wouldn’t change. Second, God has appointed you to bear fruit –fruit that will last – and so that whatever you ask in His name that Father will give you. We will be able to bear fruit if we stand in this foundation of firmly believing in the predestination of God. The worst thing in our lives is to try to destroy that, denying the fact that you are the Son and Daughter of God.

When Peter was so confident of his devotion to Christ, claiming he can even follow Jesus to death. Jesus softly told Peter, “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.”, Jesus answered, “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.” In this scene, the Lord’s voice was not oratory rather it was with soft voices of love towards Peter. Lord’s love is this deep. He even knows our fall that did not happen yet, but still he embraces and sets us up.

Just like that, our confidence based on our own devotion and love towards the Lord will crumble one day and it would not sustain us through the storm. It will only lead us to realize more on how sinful and devastated our soul is. But can we believe and trust the Lord even in midst of our shipwreck? Apostle Paul who met this great storm in Acts 27:22-25, boldly proclaims that it will only harm the ship, not you. God will keep you in the storm. Those who does not stand on this absolute love and calling of God, will face shipwreck of their faith while they experience the shipwreck from the storm of life.

There are sins that crouching at our door and we must master it. However, when you fell, that is when the problem happens. You may doubt the love of God, whether he will be the same God who loved and saved me in the beginning. Or when we found ourselves how weak and incapable for the ministry, we wonder whether I am at the right place. But remember that God’s calling and His gift is irrevocable (Romans 11:26), we should go powerfully with conviction of this calling and our identity. Because our strength does not lie in our capability but in God who called us knowing all and still promised to justify us and glorify us.