YEF Rwanda Begins Mission Again from September 2020
The leader of YEF Rwanda, Pierre Rengera, started to work for the kingdom of God again from September 2020. Brother Pierre was working for the
The leader of YEF Rwanda, Pierre Rengera, started to work for the kingdom of God again from September 2020. Brother Pierre was working for the
Youth Evangelical Fellowship Headquarters (YEF HQ) set up new leaderships recently. In North America, new leaderships of YEF Seattle and YEF Atlanta were set up
Youth Evangelical Fellowship Headquarters (YEF HQ) set up new leaderships recently. In North America, new leaderships of YEF Seattle and YEF Atlanta were set up
Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) begins to take sure steps in the revival and pioneering of the G20 Countries. The fellowship’s Task Force Team will first
Youth Evangelical Fellowship HQ Education Department is continuing ‘Bible Teacher Internship’ with Asian countries. It offers 12 sessions covering Basic Bible Study, and each session
On 28th of August, Penang Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) Center held a Friday Prayer Meeting and being encouraged by the sermon preached by Pastor Nahum
Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) Busan is diligently taking steps to evangelize near Pukyong National University. Recently, the mission leader of the YEF Pukyong National University-Kyungsung
On Friday, August 28th, Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) UK met for a second time with one student of University College London. He came two days
While thinking of ways to take more active steps towards increasing networking and altogether focus on developing G20 countries, Youth Evangelical Fellowship will try setting
Youth Evangelical Fellowship(YEF) hold monthly ‘Prayer Revival’ with international leaders on the 27th, 10am EST. First they shared important prayer requests in mission and current
Intern Pastor Joanna Mwepu, the Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) Representative for Zambia, held street evangelism on July 14th 2020, and later had bible study with
From July 13-17, Youth Evangelical Fellowship Los Angeles (YEF LA) leader, Ephraim Fan, has been attending full time the OLI and has finished the schedule
7월11일 YEFK에는 지난주 캠퍼스 노방전도중 약속한 연대생 형제가 센터로 인도 되었다. YEFK 선교회에 대한 간략한 소개, 기독교의 기본 교리, 사영리에 대한 간략한 강의를 했다. 특히
최근 공동체 주요 이슈로 153개국 개척의 중요성이 대두되는 가운데 YEF HQ에서는 이를 위한 기도회를 진행하고 있다. 153개국 가운데 11개국에 YEF를 세우는 것이 푯대이다. 이날 기도회에
Nowadays Pastor Thomas Ha, the leader of Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) Africa, is researching about the Prosperity Gospel (theology).
The Youth Evangelical Fellowship Atlanta (YEF) Chapter continues to teach Bible studies to students over the summer. Its Representative, Anu Titilayo-Samuel, taught the group study from Matthew 6:25-34.
6월29일 YEFK에서 노방전도중 새로운 영혼이 바로 센터로 인도 되었다. 이는 일본인 자매로 방학중이지만 국제써머스쿨 개강으로 수 많은 외국 학생들이 연세대를 찾은 가운데 만나게 된 것이다.
6월 28일, YEF AP 챕터 리더들이 모여 회의가 진행되었따. 나라별 상황을 나누고 소통하는 시간을 갖고자 회의가 열렸다. 각 나라 챕터 리더들은 YEF리더로 세울 가능성이 있는
Youth Evangelical Fellowship Atlanta (YEF ATL) Chapter Leader, Anu Titilayo-Samuel, and Georgia State University (YEF GSU) Vice President, Daija Jones, took the first big step towards online evangelism by opening a YouTube account.
Anu Titilayo-Samuel, the Youth Evangelical Fellowship Atlanta (YEF ATL) Leader plans to meet with new YEF Georgia State University (GSU) Officers to plan for the new school year.
6월25일, YEFK에서 토요전도집회를 열었다.여름 수련회를 향해 놓칠 수 없는 소중한 기간 가운데 가장 소중한 영혼 구원을 위해서이다. 장마가 시작되는 기간으로 고온다습한 날씨였지마 전도자들은 영혼들의
Youth Evangelical Fellowship Atlanta (YEF ATL) took a short time to pray together over the final exams of the student members and over the graduating class of this year.
The latest announcement in USC is that on-campus schoolwork will not resume until Fall semester.
The scheduled five days bible study for Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) Zambia marked day one, recording a total of 7 participants.