“주일 성수의 예배와 사랑과 섬김에 전력하는 귀중한 삶” 김명혁 목사님 설교 (4)
사도행전에 나타난 신앙의 선배님들은 거의 모두 성자 예수님의 가르침을 따라서 “사랑과 섬김”의 삶을 살았습니다. 예루살렘 교회와 신자들은 “사랑과 섬김”의 삶을 사는데 제일 많은 정성을 쏟아
사도행전에 나타난 신앙의 선배님들은 거의 모두 성자 예수님의 가르침을 따라서 “사랑과 섬김”의 삶을 살았습니다. 예루살렘 교회와 신자들은 “사랑과 섬김”의 삶을 사는데 제일 많은 정성을 쏟아
그러면 이제부터 “사랑과 섬김에 전력하는 귀중한 삶”에 대한 이야기를 하려고 합니다. 성자 예수님의 삶을 한 마디로 요약하면 정성껏 드리는 예배와 함께 “사랑과 섬김”의 삶을 사는
이렇게 볼 때 구약과 신약 성경이 가르치는 “안식일 예배”와 “주일 예배”는 하나님의 구원 역사의 중요한 틀이라고 생각합니다. 구약시대에는 “안식일”을 통해서 죄인들을 구원하시며 축복하셨고, 신약시대에는 “주일”을
“주일 성수의 예배와 사랑과 섬김에 전력하는 귀중한 삶” 광주보배교회(22.8.28) 마 12:8, 막 10:45, 요 13: 14, 요 4:23, 롬 12:1,2, 엡 5: 1,2 죄와 허물로
YEF Africa was able to begin their first online zoom group Bible study on the Book of Romans. Right now, there are two students in attendance-YEF Rwandan RCM Valentine and a new brother from Uganda Elijah. YEF Africa hopes many more students will be able to attend these online Bible studies.
With the power of resurrection, YEF Macau kicked off a 40-day focus on raising Bible students and evangelism ahead of Pentecost. Right now, they have
In the afternoon of December 29, Youth Evangelical Fellowship ministers gathered online to prepare the 3-day retreat during New Year Day holiday. The attendants of
On December 23, a Pastor arrived at the headquarters of Youth Evangelical Fellowship located in China to begin her work in the church fellowship. She
Youth Evangelical Fellowship National University of Singapore (YEF NUS) Leader meditated the sermon on Romans 10:13-15, titled “How beautiful are the feet of those who
On Monday, December 14th, one YEF UK student finished Romans 1-4. Post-graduate Andre learned about the faith of Abraham and was surprised at his belief
Youth Evangelical Fellowship Atlanta has begun to focus more on online evangelism strictly looking for students in the area that attend schools like Georgia State
Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) Spiritual Care Department begins intensive prayer until the end of this year. They gained a clear prayer direction for the HQ
By the Grace of God, Youth Evangelical Fellowship has Nashville, TN this week. Jubilee Church in Nashville decided to work with YEF for their youth
On October 6th, YEFK headquarters visited the YEF Pukyong National University-Kyungsung University Center and evangelized at the Pukyong National University campus together with the ministers
Youth Evangelical Fellowship has developed a small revamping team to work to update the international site home page and sub pages. With the ongoing change
In order to build more close relationship with the Bible students, Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) Penang minister had come up with an idea to invite
The leader of YEF Rwanda, Pierre Rengera, started to work for the kingdom of God again from September 2020. Brother Pierre was working for the
Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) begins to take sure steps in the revival and pioneering of the G20 Countries. The fellowship’s Task Force Team will first
Youth Evangelical Fellowship HQ Education Department is continuing ‘Bible Teacher Internship’ with Asian countries. It offers 12 sessions covering Basic Bible Study, and each session
On 28th of August, Penang Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) Center held a Friday Prayer Meeting and being encouraged by the sermon preached by Pastor Nahum
Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) Busan is diligently taking steps to evangelize near Pukyong National University. Recently, the mission leader of the YEF Pukyong National University-Kyungsung
On Friday, August 28th, Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) UK met for a second time with one student of University College London. He came two days
Intern Pastor Joanna Mwepu, the Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) Representative for Zambia, held street evangelism on July 14th 2020, and later had bible study with
From July 13-17, Youth Evangelical Fellowship Los Angeles (YEF LA) leader, Ephraim Fan, has been attending full time the OLI and has finished the schedule